
IT House reported on April 23 that a video content released by Wuhuan Short Video showed that yesterday, New Oriental founder Yu Minhong had a video connection with Dangdang founder Li Guoqing.

In the live broadcast, Yu Minhong believed that Li Guoqing’s fight with Dangdang was not for money, but for dignity. Li Guoqing immediately denied that it was not for face and dignity but for money.Because he has long wanted to donate 1 billion to charity.

IT House learned that Yu Minhong bluntly said, “Then you’re a bit hypocritical. “Dangdang.com went public in 2010, and at that time it was possible to start doing public welfare.

The information released by the Beijing Court Trial Information Network in March 2021 shows that in 2020, Dangdang sued Li Guoqing and other five people for breaking into the office and damaging the company’s property, demanding compensation of more than 100,000 yuan. Day filed. The two involved filed a jurisdictional challenge, which was dismissed by the court in December 2020.

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