A month ago, in the midst of sanctions, interesting statistics appeared from one of the retailers: it became known that the Russians began to actively use the trade-in service: in exchange for a discount, they handed over not only Xiaomi, Samsung and Huawei smartphones, but also iPhones. Moreover, the demand for the service has grown since the beginning of the year and, as you understand, the sanctions have nothing to do with it. In the midst of lockdowns, vendors have indicated that they will be sending working devices back for resale, with the reason that there probably won’t be enough smartphones for everyone. The service has been looming on the websites of online stores for a long time, but I have never used it, I don’t plan to, and I don’t advise you. Now I’ll tell you why.
Trade-in is a pain. Why You Shouldn’t Send Your iPhone There
iPhone trade-in discount
To your smartphone accepted for trade-init needs to meet certain requirements. They differ slightly from sellers, but the essence is the same: a minimum of scratches, no errors, the functionality of the buttons. One extra scratch can reduce your discount. It’s a discount: they won’t give you money for a used phone, but they will sell a new one cheaper.

They don’t give out money for trade-in, so you won’t be able to sell the phone to spend money on personal purposes.
In many salons, a discount can be applied to the purchase of services, accessories or other devices, but in general there is little attractive: this option is definitely not suitable if you want sell old iphoneto buy a new one elsewhere or not to buy anything at all. Also, a trade-in is not an option for those who need money for a phone right now for some personal purpose.
4 причины, почему iPhone лучше Android даже в условиях санкций. Его стоит купить
How to sell iPhone
No trade-in will replace the sale of your iPhone on Avito: sometimes, of course, it comes with a little hassle when buyers are ready to pick up at a discount right now, but otherwise there is always a person with whom you can reach an agreement. In the end, selling the iPhone yourself is always more profitable: you get the money right away, the price suits both. Basically, you have nothing to lose.

iPhone SE 2020 is accepted for a penny under trade-in conditions – it’s more profitable to sell it
There are difficulties with this trade-in: the Megafon online store is ready to accept my iPhone SE 2020 at best for only 14,490 rubles (provided that the condition is excellent, but it is unlikely that it falls under it). At the same time, on Avito it will be possible to sell it for 20 thousand, if not more. Therefore, a trade-in is again unprofitable, even with stocks that you need to try to guess.
iPhone SE 2022 сильно подешевел в России. Стоит ли его теперь покупать
Trade-in benefits
Saving time – main plus trade-in. You do not need to worry about your smartphone, about how long it will take to buy it – you just need to bring it to the salon. Compared to reselling an iPhone: you need to answer a call, a message, take the time to meet with the buyer. In general, a little nervous. But this is better than giving away the phone for a penny, knowing that the retailer will then simply resell it at a premium and make money on it.

Your trade-in iPhone will be checked and resold at a good markup
The only case when trade-in is profitable – this is the surrender of a really old device that was lying around somewhere in the table. For example, iPhone 5S or iPhone 6, which is no longer good for anything. But here, too, the stars must converge so that you want buy a new smartphoneand the old one was still in more or less working condition.
Как удаление приложений российских банков убивает App Store
What to do with an old iPhone
I don’t know about you, but I find a use for an old phone to the last. In fact, it is not necessary to put it on the table as a museum exhibit: the old iPhone is suitable as a spare or a device for games, for storing some data that for some reason you do not plan to transfer to the main phone or to a PC.

I leave the old phone as a keepsake – sometimes it’s nice to dig into it
My friend, for example, keeps an old iPhone SE just for his personal collection: he even has an iPhone 3G and an iPhone 4 in it. Just for fun. The phone can always be used or given to someone. In general, idle, if anything, he definitely will not be lost.
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To be honest, the current situation with Apple in Russia jeopardizes the trade-in. Correct me in the comments if I’m wrong, but there is a feeling that now is not what return old iPhone, but buying a new one is a dubious undertaking. You can sell and there is even a way to do it right and quickly. But it was necessary to do this profitably 1-2 months ago, when prices even for used iPhones soared. In short, the iPhone, as traders on the stock exchange say, must be “held” and not sold. Well, of course, follow the development of events – all of a sudden everything will get better.
The post 4 Reasons Why I Don’t Trade-In an iPhone and I Don’t Advise You appeared first on Gamingsym.