
After Xiaomi announced its cooperation with Leica, Redmi also revealed a very heavy news.

officially announced,The Redmi Note 11T Pro+ will be equipped with Xiaomi’s self-developed Surging P1 fast charging chip, which is exactly the same as the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro model and supports 120W fairy second charging.

Lu Weibing has previously introduced that the Pengpai P1 single-cell 120W charging chip is a huge technological breakthrough in the fast charging industry, solving several major contradictions of fast charging: fast charging leads to small battery capacity, and increasing battery capacity will lead to increased thickness. .

The research and development of Surging P1 took 18 months, and the four major R&D centers worked together, costing over 100 million yuan, and finally realized the large-capacity 120W fast charge under the thin and light body.

Xiaomi's third surging chip P1 released single-cell 120W fast charge leading friend Lei Jun: a little excited

Based on the current news, Redmi Note 11T Pro+ has announced three major configurations, which have reached the best level in the industry in terms of performance, screen and charging.

Among them, the chip uses the word-of-mouth God U Dimensity 8100, whose performance is comparable to the Snapdragon 888, but the power consumption and heat are lower.

Xiaomi's self-developed chips are decentralized! Redmi Note 11T Pro+ equipped with Surging P1: supports 120W second charge

The screen adopts the best LCD screen in the industry, which is specially customized at a high cost. It has 144Hz ultra-high refresh rate, 7-speed intelligent refresh rate variable speed, RGB arrangement, primary color screen calibration, full DC dimming, etc. It is the only one that has obtained DisplayMate A+ certification. LCD mobile phone.

According to reports, the price of Redmi Note 11T Pro+ is only about 2,000 yuan, which is very cost-effective.

What do you think of this new phone?

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Responsible editor: Jian Jiaarticle error correction

Hashtag: Redmi Note 11T Pro+ Surging P1 chip

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