Thank you IT home netizens SP_CE The clue is delivered!

IT House reported on April 23 that recently, the official WeChat account “WeChat Pie” has summarized 6 quick and practical Old School functions.It is the basic skill that really tests your WeChat proficiency. Let’s take a look at the introduction together.

The correct way to open group payment

Want to AA after eating and watching the script of the exhibition, but you can’t find the group to collect money after rummaging through the group menu? Don’t look for it in the group menu, you can’t collect money here, you can only send red envelopes to group friends. The correct way to open is as follows.

WeChat home page – + sign in the upper right corner – payment – group payment – select chat

“Payment” can be understood as the center of the payment function, and it is logical to set the group payment entrance here.

Come, take this red envelope

If it is a daily embarrassment to say that not being able to collect money in groups is a daily embarrassment, then not being able to find “face-to-face red envelopes” often leaves you at a loss during the Spring Festival and other times when you are asked for red envelopes, and you can’t wait to deduct 6.66 in place. In fact, it is not difficult to pull out the “face-to-face red envelopes”, and the entrance is downstairs in the “group collection”.

WeChat home page – + number in the upper right corner – payment – group payment – face-to-face red envelopes

Set the amount of the red envelope, hand over the mobile phone with the QR code displayed like a red envelope, and the other party can receive it by scanning the code.

Friends, come in

Going out to play, for convenience, always build a small group. What is the most convenient way to join a group? Adding WeChat one by one and then pulling into the group is too slow.

In fact, as long as you enter the same 4-digit number in the “WeChat homepage – + sign in the upper right corner – start a group chat – face-to-face group”, you can enter the same group chat. Now you know where the group collection you just learned is going to be sent to?

WeChat homepage – + sign in the upper right corner – start a group chat – face to face to build a group

Behind the + sign, there is a hidden mystery. There are more features hidden inside than you might think.

@Everyone, will you?

By the way, who doesn’t manage a few WeChat groups? As a group owner, there is always something to notify everyone. Once upon a time, you couldn’t directly @ everyone, but only notified by modifying the group announcement.

Group owner/group administrator: WeChat group-@Everyone/・・・-group announcement

But with the update of WeChat, it really works. Group owners and administrators only need to enter @ in the chat box, and then select “Everyone” at the top of the pop-up window to send everyone a message.

walkie-talkie on map

The group notified the time and place of the meeting, and they didn’t dare to say that everything would be fine. The dating of modern people may spend half of their time finding their way. Fortunately, we have the ability to share real-time location. But we live in a three-dimensional world, and a two-dimensional map can only get a rough idea. Which road signs, which passages to take, which escalators to take, still depend on language description.

In fact, we can tell the other party how to go while looking at the map: there is a “walkie-talkie” button hidden under the location sharing map. Press and hold it to speak, and the other party who is sharing the location can hear it directly, and it is more convenient to guide the way.

WeChat group-location-share real-time location-long press the “walkie-talkie” button

Care about others, care about you more

Group messages are too dense, and Do Not Disturb is the norm. But someone’s news can’t be missed, what should I do?

WeChat group-・・・-Following group members

It’s very simple. In “Group Settings → Followed Group Members”, set ta to follow, and in the future, when ta sends a message in the group, WeChat will send a reminder, even if Do Not Disturb is turned on.

everyone isIT Home WeChatReply”WeChat”, you can get the latest official internal version WeChat download.

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