The Royal Oman Police have found a series of suspicious items which could be missiles dating back to the middle years of the 20th century, reported the Times of Oman on Thursday. The objects were found in the Al Dakhiliyah Governorate in the northern part of the country, and are “similar to very old projectiles [that] were found in a mountainous area far from the population centres,” the Royal Oman Police said in a tweet. العثور على أجسام شبيهه بمقذوفات قديمة جدًا في أحد المناطق الجبلية البعيدة عن التجمعات السكانية كانت تستخدم كمنطقة تمارين عسكرية بمحافظة الداخلية، وتم تأمين المنطقة واستكمال ا…