
There are plenty of studies that find that children become smarter or dumber by playing video or computer games. Now there is another study in this category, this time from Karolinska Institutet. That study claims that gambling can help develop children’s intelligence.

The study is based on a group of American teenagers where those who played more than average increase their intelligence more than average. It is also worth mentioning that the study did not distinguish between different types of games, so the study is somewhat limited there.

The study also looked at this with the development of intelligence for teenagers who frequently use social media or watch a lot of TV. However, according to the study, it seemed to have no greater significance for neither making the children smarter nor stupider.

However, the study is careful to point out that parents do not encourage their children to play a lot in the hope that they will become more intelligent.

– We do not recommend that children play as many computer games as possible. A parent who is to take a stand on this must look at the child’s entire environment and its well-being. There is definitely no free card for computer gaming.

Just like much else, just a lot seems to be best here too.


Science, Research,

Computer Games, Computer Games, Games

Thanks to CJ

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