
Wuchang rice “cooking aunt” accused of counterfeiting official response: home-grown farmers have limited knowledge

How to translate the English of cooking aunt? Is it “cooking aunt” or “cook your aunt”?

Recently, some netizens reported that “cooking aunt” is a counterfeit product of “cooking aunt”.

In this regard, the brand manufacturer Wuchang Mizhiliang Rice Industry Co., Ltd. made a statement through its official Weibo on April 21.

Mi Zhiliang Rice Industry said in a statement: “Our company uses the “Cooking Rice Nanny” trademark, and different English translations refer to our company’s different product packaging, which are all products produced by our company, and are not fake and shoddy products, please rest assured of consumers.

On April 22, Mi Zhiliang Rice Industry said, “Due to the limited level of knowledge, when registering the trademark, I was careless and not careful, which led to such mistakes, which brought inconvenience and misunderstanding to everyone. I apologize again to everyone.

Wuchang rice

The Qichacha APP shows that Wuchang Mizhiliang Rice Industry Co., Ltd. was established in July 2004 with a registered capital of 20 million yuan. Its business scope includes the processing and sales of refined rice, and the processing and sales of miscellaneous grains. The company has invested in 1 enterprise, which is Heilongjiang Ximi Agricultural Group Co., Ltd.

The Qichacha APP shows that the company has a total of 12 food safety sampling inspection records, and the results are all qualified.

Wuchang rice

Wuchang rice

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