
Amazon announced today that it will open up its Amazon Prime delivery network to third-party retailers. The new service will be called “Buy With Prime”. In short, the service means that Amazon Prime members will be able to have goods delivered in one to two days free of charge by third-party merchants who join Buy With Prime.

However, it will not be free for traders to join Buy With Prime. What it will cost depends on a few different variables and will vary depending on the merchant’s operations, inventory, payment service and more. Initially, Buy With Prime will only be offered to a number of selected Amazon retailers in the United States.

Some analysts believe that Amazon is aiming to start competing more or less directly with courier services such as UPS and FedEx, as well as the US Post Office’s operations. Amazon’s consumer manager Dave Clark stated last year that Amazon aimed for Amazon Prime to be the US’s largest delivery service in early 2022.

Below is a short film from Amazon describing how Buy With Prime will work.


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amazon, amazon prime, courier service, deliveries, Buy With Prime



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