
Recently, the news of the collapse of XXX graphics card prices can be seen in many places. Many users have rekindled hope for graphics cards, but it is still not a good time to start. Collapsed, but not completely collapsed: Although the graphics card is reported to collapse every day, the so-called collapse is only in the second-hand market. Needless to say, the cards in the second-hand market are all things. The price reduction of graphics cards purchased by regular e-commerce companies is only a fake price reduction after two price increases, and even most graphics card price reductions have not fallen to the original price. The models that can break the original price are also some unpopular models. And recently, due to the crack of the NV lock and computing power series graphics cards, the price of graphics cards that had been steadily declining began to rise slightly. The good news is that the virtual currency market is still diving, so these graphics cards have not returned to the madness of last year. . However, as the 618 is approaching, many graphics cards are under the banner of insured 618, so users who have recently purchased most graphics cards will still be at a premium. The risk remains: More and more users have recently received some “first-hand” graphics cards with obvious signs of use. These graphics cards have not been fully confirmed to be the so-called official version, but even if some merchants promise .
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