
IT House April 22 news, according to the Taiwan Economic Daily, AUO General Manager Ke Furen said yesterday that the global economic situation has changed dramatically, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the epidemic blockade and inflation have increased the uncertainty of terminal demand, resulting inWeak demand hits panel prices. “At present, it is still impossible to determine when the panel quotation will stop falling, and it is necessary to closely observe the changes in the global economic situation.. “

Ke Furen pointed out that although many parts of the originally blocked areas in mainland China have resumed work, it will take some time for the affected industrial supply chains and operations to return to their original operating efficiency.The entire second quarter is expected to be affected to varying degrees. It is currently impossible to predict the extent of the impact of the epidemic on the industry and supply chain.

IT House learned that Ke Furen also said,Optimistic about displays in smart life applications such as smart medical care and in-vehicle markets.

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