The first trailer made the fans scoff, now they love The Batman. Matt Reeves’ dark vision of Gotham City starring Robert Pattinson as the taciturn and traumatized superhero and his battle against the Riddler the hearts of the viewers and initially made the box office ring and from the end of April 2022 probably also those of the streaming services. Of course, with such a success, it can’t just stay with a single film.
Film trilogy and two series
As soon as The Batman was in the cinemas, the director left Matt Reeves leaked out that the film is only intended to be the first part of a trilogy. He has not yet revealed any details about the plot or anything like that. He only named two villains that would interest him as opponents: Hush and Mr. Freeze. Batman actor Robert Pattinson, in turn, said that he
The Batman: Matt Reeves would like to incorporate Mr. Freeze into his down-to-earth Batman world.
Source: Warner Brothers
would be happy if his Batman could face off against Calender Man or the Court of Owls.
All characters that – with the exception of Mr. Freeze – fit very well with the dark world that Reeves with The Batman (buy now ) created. In the comics, the Court of Owls is a secret conspiracy of Gotham’s rich and powerful. It’s been around since the inception of Gotham City and would of course fit perfectly into the picture painted of the city in The Batman. It wouldn’t take much to turn the mighty of Gotham into a larger conspiracy that now stands against Batman for threatening their influence.
Calender Man is a classic serial killer who has an obsession with dates and calendars, fitting very well into the dark world of The Batman. Hush, on the other hand, might even have been hinted at in The Batman. Given the shared history that Hush and the Riddler share in the comics, integrating him shouldn’t be a problem either.
Only Mr. Freeze doesn’t really fit into the picture at first. The technology the scientist uses to cool his body and operate his ice machine seems a bit out of place in The Batman’s universe. On the other hand, the tragic background story of the villain would fit. Actually, Mr. Freeze doesn’t want anything
The Batman: The Penguin is set to have its own series.
Source: Warner Bros.
other than reviving his wife – unfortunately he only uses every means that suits him.
On the other hand, there are concrete plans for two series that are to be set in the universe of The Batman. HBO signed on before the film hit theaters Colin Farell to play the Penguin again, in a series of the same name. It is supposed to be about the rise of Oswald Cobblepot. Nothing more is known about The Penguin for now, other than that Colin Farrell and Matt Reeves will also executive produce the series. The other series should go more in the direction of horror. Aside from the title, all that is known about Arkham Asylum is that the series aims to uncover the backgrounds of some of the prison’s better-known and lesser-known inmates.
What about the joker?
He appears for just a few minutes in the finished film, but one deleted scene struck a chord with fans: Originally, none other than the Joker himself should have helped Batman capture the Riddler. Ultimately, the conversation between the two, which is a bit reminiscent of “The Silence of the Lambs”, fell
The Batman: There shouldn’t be more than cameos for the Joker at first.
Source: Telltale Games
scissors to the victim. But of course the question now arises: When does the Joker make his first real appearance in the universe of The Batman?
Not at all, if Matt Reeves has his way. For him, the conversation between Batman and the Joker and the final scene between the Joker and Riddler should show that the young crime fighter has already put some villains behind bars. A larger role does not seem to be planned for Batman’s greatest opponent – yet. Should he nevertheless appear, there is already a visual role model to which the character should be based: Gwynplaine, the main character from the 1928 silent film “The Man Who Laughs”. An operation has condemned him to smile all the time. Matt Reeves seems to be particularly interested in what such a face does to a person’s psyche.
Batman and…
On the other hand, not a word has been said about who should support Batman in his further adventures.
The Batman: Is Catwoman Coming Back In A Sequel?
Source: Warner Brothers
At the end of The Batman, Catwoman escaped to Bludhaven, a town that comic book fans know well and is very close to Gotham City. When it’s not being razed to the ground by super villains, it’s the turf of none other than Nightwing, Batman’s first Robin. And indeed, ever since The Batman, the number of fans has been arguing that Robert Pattinson’s Batman should sooner or later have a superhero partner in the form of Robin or Nightwing.
Because the crime fighter has learned one thing in his search for the Riddler: without allies, even the best superhero can do little in the long run. And they don’t necessarily have to be limited to Catwoman, Commissioner Gordon and Alfred. As the comics show, there’s room for an entire Bat family.
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