
Today, vivo officially showed the camera system of the X80 series,It is officially announced that the world’s first Sony IMX866 RGBW outsole sensor will be released.

It is reported that Sony IMX866 adopts RGBW design and has a large area of ​​1/1.49 inches with a native 16:11.In low-brightness environments such as night scenes, a larger amount of light can be obtained and the performance of night shots can be improved.

In addition to the first launch of the IMX866, the X80 series also has vivo’s signature micro-gimbal design, and the T* optical lens in cooperation with Zeiss will not be absent, and will bring a new Zeiss film style.

In addition to the stacking material on the lens, the X80 series is also equipped with vivo’s self-developed V1+ image chip.It can be used in coordination with the ISP in the SoC to improve the imaging algorithm side to achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

In addition to the imaging part, the vivo X80 series also performs well in terms of performance.

The phone is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9000 flagship processor.The aircraft’s comprehensive score on AnTuTu reached 1,072,221 pointsis the best result of the Dimensity 9000 platform, and can be called the king of the Dimensity 9000.

The vivo X80 series will be officially released on April 25. At present, this series of mobile phones has been put on the Jingdong platform for reservation.

Self-developed V1+ image chip bonus: vivo X80 series world debut Sony IMX866 RGBW outsole

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Nai Hearticle error correction

Hashtag: vivo X80vivo lens

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