
Microsoft today released an update for the WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) to version 2204.40000.15.0. With this update, the Android has been updated to version 12.1. But that’s not all.

  • With this update, telemetry collection (optional diagnostic data setting in the Windows Subsystem for Android Settings app) is now disabled by default. Please enable this setting in Windows Subsystem for Android settings to improve Windows Subsystem for Android and provide useful telemetry data about Android app usage!
  • Windows Subsystem for Android networking in recent Insider Preview builds (OS Build 22621+) has been improved to allow Android apps to connect to devices that are on the same network as your Windows PC. With advanced connectivity, you can play your favorite content on a speaker on the same network, or set up a security camera (or other smart home device) using a compatible Android app.
  • The Windows Subsystem for Android Settings app has received a major overhaul and update. We’ve redesigned the app from the ground up, now with clearer groups of settings, grouped navigation, and a cleaner user experience all around.
  • We’ve made some great improvements to how Android apps integrate with Windows in this update. On recent Insider Preview builds (OS Build 22621+), Windows taskbar icons now show which Android apps are currently using microphone, location, and other system services in the taskbar. An auto-hidden taskbar now shows and hides correctly when Android apps are running. Android toasts are now displayed as Windows notifications, and an Android app’s window title now reflects the Android activity’s title. With recent Insider Preview builds (OS Build 22621+), Android apps no longer restart when your device wakes from connected sleep, but pick up where you left off.
  • Many camera updates are delivered in this update. Camera orientation is now corrected to match natural orientation, and issues with incorrect camera preview, bugs with letterboxing, and camera feed squeezing have been fixed.
  • Mouse and keyboard support in Windows Subsystem for Android has been improved, with fixes such as improved scroll wheel support, fixes for on-screen keyboard focus, and fixes for the Android software keyboard to display correctly.

However, there are still a few known bugs. You can do this read here. The Insiders in the Dev Channel are the first. The update appears there directly in the Store app. The settings themselves can be opened. WSA with the Amazon App Store still does not work in Germany. Then WSATools has to help out.

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