
Many people may not know that three meals a day is actually a fairly modern concept. So, how many meals do we eat a day is the most beneficial to our health? Most people eat three meals a day, and modern life is designed around this eating habit. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and lunch time is set aside at work, and dinner is used for social activities or gatherings with friends and family. But is this really the healthiest way to eat? When done right, limiting food intake to a few hours a day can be beneficial to the body. Before discussing meal frequency, let’s take a look at what time scientists recommend not eating. There is a type of eating called intermittent fasting, which requires you to concentrate all of the food in the day into eight hours. Emily Manojian, a clinical researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California, points out that giving the body at least a 12-hour “window” each day can give our digestive systems a break. Rosalind Anderson, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, also conducted research into the benefits of restricting energy intake. Restricting calorie intake is associated with lower levels of inflammation in the body. .
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