
This almost scientific Dark Souls Challenge cost the gamer and Youtuber a number of attempts, a lot of deaths and a lot of nerves, but in the end it worked: Ymfah finished Dark Souls 3 without taking a normal step.

The rule that the Youtuber has imposed is simple, the challenge is less: all movements are allowed in Dark Souls 3, except for walking normally. So if the character moves forward with each sword swing or a dodge roll gets the player further, that’s it in the challenge allowed, but not a normal step.

And that’s not all: Since ymfah banned and even deactivated the entire left analog stick on the gamepad for the task, he can’t just turn the character like that (additional key assignments were of course also taboo).

So he had to start the run with a bow class like Thief, which can aim in a certain direction and thus rotate the line of sight. This task, which took him four months, seems pretty wild and pretty difficult.

Walking Dark Souls 3 without taking a single step seems impossible, but Youtuber ymfah managed to do it without becoming a shell mentally.

And suddenly the biggest challenges in Dark Souls 3 are no longer the tough bosses. They are: LADDERS. I can tell you this much: ladders were the only thing that almost stopped the brave and unreal kitty-topped superhero from winning, but he didn’t become a shell and continued to fight his twisted, self-imposed battle.

With numerous experiments, tricks and exploits, but above all infinite patience, he finally pulled it off – small spoiler: Tears of Denial in particular were essential for victory.

You can find a very entertaining summary of the tough task in one of Ymfah’s videos – only real, with all the emotions from epic to frustration to a lot of silliness, which even makes the crazy undertaking look really funny for us – but it was probably for him an insane hurdle that takes days of practice:

It’s also a good thing that we get a crisp summary, because as crazy as the performance is, it also consisted of endless attempts, failures and, as the ladder shows, a lot of online research. This can probably also become very boring to watch in between.

Despite all this work, ymfah already has plans to do such a no-walk run with Elden Ring – what a mammoth project with the extensive open world, one can only look forward to it!

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