
BEIJING, May 21 (Reuters) – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who met with Elon Musk in Brazil on Friday, called Musk’s proposal to buy Twitter a “breath of hope” .Bolsonaro has been widely criticized for his management of the Amazon rainforest.Hope Musk can help put an end to the “lies”.

Bolsonaro met with Musk to discuss rural internet connectivity and surveillance in the Amazon rainforest. The timing of the meeting was sensitive for both. Bolsonaro, seeking to be re-elected president in October, faces an uphill battle and is increasingly isolated on the global stage. Musk was accused of sexual harassment in a news report Thursday, which he denies.

Bolsonaro, speaking with Musk at an upscale hotel in the countryside near Sao Paulo, welcomed Musk’s takeover of Twitter, saying “it’s like a breath of hope.” “We need and count on Musk to make the Amazon rainforest known to all of Brazil and the world to show… how we protect it and how much damage is done by those who spread lies about the region,” he said in a news release. said at the press conference.

Musk was questioned after arriving in Sao Paulo and was not asked about the sexual harassment allegations. In Sao Paulo, he was greeted by business leaders including Telecom Italia CEO Pietro Labriola and Banco BTG Pactual chairman Andre Esteves.

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