
It was reported on April 20 that at 0:00 today, Tencent officially adjusted the prices of Tencent Video VIP and Super Video VIP members. Among the 12 membership types for the two types of members, Tencent Video VIP monthly card and Super Video VIP’s multiple package prices, etc. 5 The price of one kind of membership remains unchanged, and the price of the remaining 7 kinds increases by 5 to 20 yuan. This afternoon, a topic #TencentVideo announced a price increase again# topped the trending search on Weibo, arousing heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said, “It’s still going up???? It’s not due to renew next year”, “I remember that it wasn’t long before the last price increase, but the price went up again??!”. It is worth mentioning that in the topic-related Weibo, some netizens posted screenshots of their Tencent Video members, which showed that Tencent Video VIP expired on March 25, 2043. Very arrogant. It is reported that Tencent Video’s VIP continuous monthly subscription price has been adjusted from 20 yuan to 25 yuan, the VIP continuous seasonal package has increased from 58 yuan to 68 yuan, and the VIP continuous annual package has increased from 218 yuan to 238 yuan. Tencent Video’s VIP season card has increased from 68 yuan to 78 yuan, and the VIP annual card price has been adjusted from 253 yuan.
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