
Phone spammers and scammers should not be angered. If you offend them, and they are offended, revenge will not be long in coming. Luckily, all they can do is keep spamming, only harder.

One of the spammers’ favorite ways to get revenge is to send SMS from various services. They go to sites, enter your phone number, and you get SMS messages with login or registration confirmation codes. You should not be afraid, because spammers do not know these codes, so they will not be able to hack into your accounts and log in on your behalf.

The calculation of spammers is that they will create problems for you with dozens of messages that will rain down on your phone all day. Messages from many services arrive repeatedly. Fortunately, smartphones allow you to block spam SMS, which you can use to protect yourself. Do not delete, but block SMS from services – and they will stop coming to you.

When the spammers calm down, thinking that they took revenge on you in full, you can open the list of blocked contacts and delete blocked numbers and identifiers from there. Well, so that spammers and scammers are not tempted to overwhelm you with spam, it is enough to communicate with them politely or ignore them. No one will get worse from this – neither you nor them.


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