
May 21 News, on Friday, local time in the United States, Tesla CEO Elon Musk (Elon Musk) announced that the electric car maker‘Core Litigation Unit’ is being formed to ‘directly initiate litigation’. The move sparked a lot of speculation because it happened right after allegations of sexual harassment against Musk.

Musk announced on Twitter: “Tesla is forming a core litigation unit, and we will directly initiate and enforce litigation. This team will report directly to me.”

Meanwhile, Musk said this core litigation team will be working on two things:

1) In a case for justice, we will never seek to win, even if we are likely to win;

2) And in an unfair lawsuit, even though we might lose the case, we will never surrender.

It also reflects Musk’s previous approach to litigation policy, when he said: “Tesla’s policy is to never give in to false claims, even if we lose; never to fight true claims, even if We will win.”

Musk has previously said he would not compromise under any circumstances, an attitude that was tested in a lawsuit over the acquisition of solar panel company SolarCity. When investors sued Tesla for its mishandling of the SolarCity acquisition, all the other defendants, including Tesla’s board, settled with the exception of Musk.

But the timing of Musk’s announcement of the formation of a dedicated litigation team is odd, as allegations of sexual harassment against Musk surfaced just a day earlier, butThe alleged victim and SpaceX have reached a settlement.

However, MuskAlleging that new core litigation unit is part of Tesla. The electric-car maker already has a full and large legal department, including litigators, and it tends to work with outside law firms on larger cases.

Tesla has always been involved in a variety of cases, including many more high-profile cases, such as the recent lawsuit over allegations of racial discrimination,The company was initially ordered to pay $137 million in damages, which was later reduced to $15 million.

Interestingly, in Musk’s new statement, he mentioned Tesla as the direct sponsor of the lawsuit. While Tesla gets a lot of media attention when it’s sued, the company has been known to file lawsuits as well, especially when it comes to cases involving intellectual property infringement.

Musk’s decision to form a dedicated litigation team for Tesla may be necessary in the long run. The company’s usual tendency to remain silent has made it largely a punching bag for skeptics and the media that has been flooded with negative coverage surrounding the company’s innovations and projects. That could change if Tesla has a dedicated litigation team.

For those interested in joining the team, they can describe themselves using 3 to 5 bullet points as evidence of extraordinary abilities. At the same time, Tesla also wants to see links to cases where job seekers have participated. but,It’s unclear how the new team will work with Tesla’s current legal department.

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