Awaceb, the independent study responsible for the development of Tchia, announced that its project is being withdrawn. Ya no saldr en primavera de este ao, tal y coma staba previsto, sino que ultimila se pondr a la venta at some point in 2023. Eso s, su intencin es la tenerlo lista para que llegue en los primeros compases del ao que viene, aunque no han determinado una fecha exact para su lanzamiento. We’ve been playing on PS5, PS4 and PC, because it’s exclusive to PlayStation consoles.
Update on Tchia– Tchia (Awaceb) – Wishlist it! (@awaceb) May 20, 2022
“Actualizacin rpida del deschrol de Tchia”, comienza diciendo el studio en su communicated on Twitter. “We are very moved by the lies that have blamed this project inspired by a little island that we like to call “hogar” New Caledonia, a Pacific Island island. “After three days of pain and hard work, we debated our differences and all the world we supported launch the best game we can do“, continan explaining.
“This extra time allows us to increase the value of each aspect of the game”
The reasons behind the return of this game are its habitats and are related to the time it takes to launch a verse adapted to its creative vision: “It is because hemos decided to move our launch vehicle to the principles of 2023“, announced, and continan:” This extra time allows us to increase the value of each aspect of the game and to list every little detail that we have Tchia a very special experience “. Awaceb did not hesitate to thank the fans and anticipate the launch showcase emotional news.
Pese a que Tchia can play a simple game, the short one is that in reality it is a very ambitious project: we will allow you to freely explore the island of New Caledonia, you will be free to do so to allow transformarnos in any animal and object which we put in the scenario. There are over 30 species and species of tems that we can introduce to help you find new areas of the map that you have in mind. Y esa es slo una de sus mltiples mecnicas.
Tchia Play on PS5, PS4 and PC the principles of 2023.
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