Three new modes have been introduced for Halo Infinite multiplayer that will be playable in Season 2: Lone Wolves.
Today, 343 Industries announced three new modes that will be playable in Season 2: Lone Wolves in Halo Infinite in May.
Matching the following descriptions for the individual modes King of the Hill, Land Grab and Last Spartan Standing, there is also a video with game scenes at the end of this message.
In addition, there is up Halo Waypoint a blog article in which the developer talks in detail about the modes. It was also revealed there that all three can also be launched via the custom games with customizable settings.
King of the Hill and Last Spartan Standing will be available at the start of the season. Land Grab, on the other hand, will follow about a month later with the Fracture: Entrenched event.
King of the Hill
You know how the game is played, but there’s a little twist. A neutral hill appears on the map and two teams fight to control the hill and earn points. If a player enters the hill unchallenged, they are captured and score 1 point per second in a capture gauge. When a team’s capture bar is full, they get 1 point and a new hill is built in a different location.
country grave
At the beginning of the match there are 3 neutral zones on the map. When a player captures a zone, it becomes locked and gives his team 1 point. When all zones are captured, there is a pause before 3 new neutral zones appear. The first team to reach 11 points wins.
Last Spartan Standing
Last Spartan Standing is based on the Lone Wolves theme from Season 2.
In this free-for-all experience, 12 players spawn on large team battle maps with a limited loadout and 5 respawns. Once a player runs out of respawns and is no longer able to participate, they can either spectate or leave the game without penalty.
If a player gets a kill in the match, they can upgrade to another weapon – something Escalation Slayer players will no doubt be familiar with. The game ends when only one Spartan remains.

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