
Do you compare prices when shopping online? Taobao, JD.com, Pinduoduo, and countless shopping sites, big and small, make us dizzy when we compare prices. However, it’s no better than knowing which shopping site you want to buy is the cheapest. In order to solve the trouble of manual price comparison for users, various third-party price comparison platforms have been launched.

But third-party tools, not everyone is familiar with trust. 618 is coming, many merchants will fake price cuts, that is, first increase the price and then adjust it back, it seems that the price is not very low. In this regard, Taobao has recently launched an official price comparison platform. Let’s take a look at how this platform is used. Is it easy to use?

Taobao’s official price comparison platform – good prices

The price comparison platform that Taobao quietly launched is called “Good Price”. Its entrance is currently relatively mysterious. Users need to manually search for “Good Price” in the mobile Taobao App, and then there will be “Good Price” on the search results page. Entrance. It can be seen that the introduction of “good price” is “24 hours to find low-priced products and help you recommend low-priced and good products on the whole network”.

Figure 1 has a good price

Entering “Have good prices”, you can see the slogan “Real-time discovery of the latest low prices” on the home page,“Have a good price” focuses on real-time updates of the lowest-priced good things on the entire network.Below is the price comparison tool, and then there is the recommended low-priced product area, where the featured product area will recommend products you may like based on your browsing and search records. The products recommended on the “Good Price” homepage are the lowest-priced products on the Taobao platform.

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Figure 2 Find the latest low price in real time

Taobao price comparison tool

Let’s first take a look at the “good price” price comparison tool, enter the price comparison tool, we can see that the products that can be queried here are divided into three categories: user favorites, shopping carts and purchased products. Users only need to Select one of the products, and then click the “Check Price” button to check and compare prices. Users cannot check and compare prices for other products, that is to say, if users want to price a certain product, they need to add the product to the collection or shopping cart before they can check and compare prices.

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Figure 3 Price comparison tool

Commodity price curve Avoid the first rise and then fall routine

The editor chooses one of them, chooses to check the price, and then “has a good price” will give the price page of the product, one is the product introduction, then the price and purchase link, and then the user’s price curve (this price curve is To deal with the artifact of those routines that pretend to lower prices first), users can also subscribe to price reduction reminders, and finally related discount recommendations.

For erroneous information, users can also click on the offer to correct to provide Taobao official with whether the product has been increased in price, sold out or the information is wrong. This is the national correction function.

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Figure 4 Product price check page

Taobao internal comparison to find the lowest price

In some commodity price check pages, there is also a “comparison” function, which can help users to query the price of the same commodity in other stores on Taobao, and identify the lowest price store.

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Figure 5 “Comparison” price comparison function

What’s the use of Taobao having a good price

As can be seen from the above, the “good price” price comparison tool has two main functions, one is price checking, users can check the historical price of the product, and the other is price comparison, users can check the product in other stores in Taobao However, the price comparison function is only available for some products, and the price comparison range is limited to Taobao.


The 618 promotion is coming soon. Taobao’s launch of “good price” at this time is undoubtedly aimed at the promotion of commodity prices that are not as good as preferential prices and the operation of “first increase and then decrease”, so that users can buy more convenient and comfortable. , to avoid being tricked by merchants, and to quickly find the lowest price products, so as not to become a big injustice by being tricked, you should try it too.

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The post 618 Don’t be a big injustice!Taobao App Official Price Comparison Tool Experience appeared first on Gamingsym.