― Worraket / Shutterstock.com

Snakes are crawling and slithering reptiles in many places around the world. However, did you know that there are none in Ireland at all? Explanations.

According to various scientists, the snakes are absent of the’Ireland due to very low temperatures and low sunshine. Moreover, the island would have formed before the snakes appeared on planet Earth. And, during periods of glaciation, humans and wildlife colonized the island, but not snakes due to unforeseen climatic characteristics.

There is also a legend about it: while Saint Patrick was fasting for several dozen days, he was attacked by snakes, synonymous with vice. In order to get rid of them and make them flee from the island, he decided to wrap them around a stick and then threw them into the sea. A gesture which is none other than the parable of an eradication of paganism .

You should also know that Ireland is not the only country without snakes. In fact, New Zealand and Greenland do not have any either.

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