Food delivery service Delivery Club confirmed the leak of user data, which was previously reported by the Telegram channel In4security. Information follows from the text RBC.
What has leaked?
Representatives of the service emphasize that the leak did not affect payment data. However, other information is available. For example, the phone number and email of the user, as well as physical addresses and the amount of orders made between May 25, 2020 and July 4, 2021.
The data includes information about orders and does not affect bank details. We do our best to prevent the dissemination of data. We sincerely apologize to users.
How many users are affected?
It is known that the leaked document, which is distributed for free, contains 250 million lines. However, this number does not correlate with the number of users affected by the leak, so it is not possible to give an exact number.
What context?
Earlier it became known that information about some Delivery Club orders appeared on the site, where all the leaked user data is collected. However, it later turned out that this data was leaked not from the food delivery service itself, but from one of the “catering establishments.”
In March, a similar leak was made by the Yandex Food service. On April 21, Yandex was fined 60,000 rubles for this.
Roskomnadzor said that it had sent a request to the Delivery Club.
The post Delivery Club reported a leak of user data and orders made – Wylsacom appeared first on Gamingsym.