
With a high budget and the focus on a Fortnite-like phenomenon.

There has been some talk about Sega’s “super game” project, but so far we have not received any concrete information about what titles it will result in. A report from Bloomberg may, however, have lifted the veil, as they claim to have spoken to persons with transparency.

According to these people, the first two games in the super game bet will be reboots of the colorful classics Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio. Crazy TaxiThe game must have been under development for a year, with a planned release in 2-3 years. One of their sources of inspiration for this project is said to be Fortnite, which has managed to create a cross-platform phenomenon that keeps players with new events.

Both Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio included last year on one list over brands that Sega still considers popular and that they can imagine making remasters, remakes and reboots of.

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