One of the richest people on the planet has chosen a folding smartphone
There is a stereotype that “iPhone is for the rich, and Android is for the poor.” But not always the powerful of this world follow this rule. For example, the same Pavel Durov, the founder of VKontakte and Telegram, has repeatedly “walked” on the iPhone in a negative way. Prefers devices with the Android operating system and Bill Gates, who is one of the three richest people on the planet.
True, there was a time when the former head of Microsoft owned two devices – an iPhone and an Android smartphone. But more often than not, he preferred a device with a green robot, recognizing that it has an undeniable advantage over the iPhone – a large number of regular and third-party applications. At the same time, he admitted that for a long time he used exclusively an “apple” smartphone and migration to Android was not easy for him at first.
And recently it became known which smartphone Bill Gates preferred for everyday use. On one of the forums, he was asked what kind of smartphone he uses, to which he replied that he had a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 at his disposal. The choice in favor of a folding smartphone was made due to the fact that it replaces his phone and portable PC. Samsung should be proud that Bill Gates preferred its device, and Microsoft’s Surface Duo 2.
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Source: androidauthority
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