
A 3-year-old girl was dragged away by wild monkeys while playing outside her house

On April 19, in Chengkou, Chongqing, a 3-year-old girl was suddenly dragged away by a wild monkey while playing outside her home. Fortunately, she was found in time and successfully rescued.

On the afternoon of April 20, a staff member of the Information Section of the Propaganda Department of the Chengkou County Party Committee toldXiaoxiang Morning Newsreporter,At present, the local area is still looking for this wild monkey, and the publicity work and inspection work will be strengthened in the next step to avoid the recurrence of injuries.


The surveillance video showed that at 4 pm on the 19th, a girl in red was playing at the door of the house. At this time, a wild monkey gradually approached, suddenly jumped on the girl’s back, dragged her off the scooter, and dragged the girl. run out. Fortunately, a man rushed out of the house at this time and rushed towards the monkey who dragged the girl away.

It is reported that the incident happened in Weixing Village, Longtian Township, Chengkou County. The girl is 3 years old this year. At that time, her mother, Ms. Liu, was working and the girl ran to the door. Fortunately, there were workers nearby who rescued the girl in time.

Afterwards, Ms. Liu introduced in an interview with the media that the child was only slightly scratched and has been vaccinated against rabies and returned home. According to Ms. Liu, they had seen a group of monkeys disturbing people nearby many times before.

A 3-year-old girl was dragged away by wild monkeys while playing outside her house

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Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: monkey animal netizens hot discussion

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