The market for accessories compatible with the Locate network is probably not as rich and varied as Apple would like it to be, but little by little the choice is widening for users. Pebblebee is the latest manufacturer to hook its wagons to Apple’s localization platform, with two new products.
Apple’s Find My program is a year old and still few partners
the Pebblebee Clip is the equivalent of the AirTag, it is a small black pebble which has the good taste to integrate a loop, unlike the Apple tag. the Pebblebee Card is a very thin card that will find its place in a wallet. It’s a product similar to Chipolo’s Card Spot that we tested a few weeks ago.

These products have two particularities that allow them to stand out. For one, they can be set up in the Find My app, or in Pebblebee’s own app, which relies on the CrowdGPS network to locate lost items. Chipolo’s trackers compatible with Find My are limited to the Apple app, as are AirTags.

On the other hand, you have to choose: it’s either the Locate app or the Pebblebee app, but not both simultaneously. The other distinctive sign is that it is possible to recharge the battery of these two trackers! For the Card, the manufacturer provides a charging cable with a magnetic connector (announced autonomy of 12 months). The Clip, which has a battery life of 6 months, simply incorporates a USB-C port.
The mains adapter is however not delivered, but it changes the batteries of the AirTags, or even the non-replaceable batteries of Chipolo. The price of these two products is $30 each.
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The post Pebblebee: Locate-enabled trackers with rechargeable batteries appeared first on Gamingsym.