
IT House news on May 20th, it is reported that station B is starting a new round of layoffs recently. The hardest hit area is the game business, and the overall layoff ratio of the game business reaches 20%-30%. In response to this, Station B responded,The rumors are not true, and some business adjustments have been made recently, so it is accompanied by personnel adjustments. No mass layoffs.

Today, The Paper reported that from the internal staff of Bilibili, Bilibili is starting a new round of layoffs recently, and the hardest hit area is the game business. Employees said that the overall layoff ratio of the game business reached 20%-30%, of which individual projects reached 70%. Some employees jokingly called this “graduation season” opening. Between the end of last year and the beginning of this year, news of layoffs has been reported in the game business of Station B. Internal employees said that the new round of layoffs started in May, among which the proportion of self-developed game projects was relatively high, and only a few of them were retained.

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