
Girls all over the Internet are waiting for Liu Genghong to approve fitness assignments: a piece of “Compendium of Materia Medica” aerobics became popular and became popular

Liu Genghong, who has recently become popular on short video platforms, is 50 years old. Have you done aerobics with him?

A piece of aerobics in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” version made Liu Genghong out of the circle. I didn’t expect Liu Genghong to correct his homework online. Now the whole network is full of Liu Genghong girls, are you one of them? Liu Genghong shouted to all the girls who like to watch his live broadcast: Come on, wait for me to approve the homework, and he also praised Zhong Liti and his wife for their good dancing, and they need to train the Chen Haomin family separately, etc.

Many netizens ridiculed that Liu Genghong is a new type of “domestic abuser”, forcing his wife to accompany him to exercise, Wang Wanfei often stops jumping halfway. When I was on the hot search last time, there were only about 400 fans. Now Liu Genghong’s fans have exceeded 10 million. At present, there are more than 12 million, and the number of fans has increased by several million a day. This phenomenon is rare.

Liu Genghong, who is nearly 50 years old, has a lot of joy in sports, and his strong chest muscles are pleasing to the eye. Liu Genghong and his wife live streaming together. The whole network is thanking Liu Genghong for the past two years. The epidemic has indeed spawned a new format of “live broadcast + fitness”. But in this burgeoning industry, it seems that no fitness blogger has been able to create as many topics and such high attention as Liu Genghong during this period.

A set of data from the domestic industry media can prove Liu Genghong’s phenomenal fitness live broadcast – according to the new Douyin data, in the past 30 days, Liu Genghong’s Douyin account has increased by more than 10 million followers, and the cumulative number of viewers is close to 40 million. The peak popularity reached 1.09 million.

On the Xiaohongshu account, Liu Genghong has more than 1.32 million fans. Since he started live fitness, each of his videos has jumped directly from thousands of “likes” to 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands.” like”. Another reason for Liu Genghong and his wife’s crazy increase of fans is that they do not engage in live broadcasts. Anything linked to money will lose its original flavor.

Some experts bluntly said that in this era, celebrities or Internet celebrities with high traffic cannot find a few on the entire network if they do not put traffic realization in the first place.

People always have a natural curiosity for entertainment stars. If the stars can show a relatively positive life, create exposure, and guide the audience to live a positive and sunny life, this is the meaning of their existence.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: star sports fitness netizens hot discussion

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