
After six consecutive rises, domestic oil prices have also reached new highs. The price of No. 92 oil once touched 9 yuan, which is outrageous. For a time, “oil price” has also become a hot topic among car owners. Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that after the Nanchang Hongcheng gas station stopped refueling, the amount was still rising, causing heated discussions among netizens. In the video, the employees of the gas station initially forcibly explained that the increase in the amount was because the oil gun was still dripping oil. In order to verify the statement of the gas station employees, netizens also tested on the spot. It turned out that the oil gun was not dripping oil, the amount was still rising, and the employees stopped quibbling instantly. With the fermentation of public opinion, on April 19, the staff of the gas station involved responded to the media: the video was from last year, when the oil machine malfunctioned, and the oil gun did not jump automatically. Immediately dealt with and repaired. It is not an act of artificially stealing a small amount of oil as the video says. Judging from the response of the gas station, the possibility of failure of the oil gun is indeed high, and from the perspective of the increase in the amount and amount of the oil gun, the probability of the gas station making a profit from this is not high. What do you think of this? .
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