
In a paper published in July 2021, the researchers explored the possibility of how an advanced civilization could build a Dyson sphere around a black hole for enormous energy. So, how are black holes and Dyson spheres related? How likely is it to collect black hole energy with a Dyson sphere? What is a Dyson Sphere? Let’s start with the Dyson sphere first. This is a hypothetical man-made structure that we can think of as a giant spherical energy harvester that surrounds a star to capture all its light and harvest its energy. American theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson first proposed this concept in the early 1960s. However, in fiction, the Dyson sphere is often described as an artificial hollow sphere surrounding a star, which is a misinterpretation of its original meaning. Dyson said in his reply to his paper: “A spherical shell or ring around a star is not physically feasible. I envision a ‘sphere’ in the form of loose solar collectors or independent orbits around the star. composition of satellite clouds.” In 1964, Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashov proposed that .
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