
Blessed are the owners of an Audi vehicle! Because they will be able enjoy Apple Music, which will integrate directly into the brand’s infotainment system, all thanks to a software update. Motorists will be able to enjoy their music library from the dashboard screen without having to go through CarPlay or a connection with the iPhone.

To take advantage of it, you will of course have to enter the username and password of the Apple Music account from the Multi-Media Interface (MMI) of the car, and – small novelty – enter a verification code sent to the smartphone of the car. ‘subscriber. This Apple Music integration will roll out to virtually all Audi models in Europe, the US, Canada and Japan, starting the 2022 lineups.

On the old continent, you can benefit from cellular access provided by Cubic-Telekom, the first three GB being free. Audi isn’t the first Volkswagen Group brand to roll for Apple’s streaming service. Porsche is also a partner, moreover the manufacturer’s boss had said all the good things he thought about his collaboration with Apple last March:

Porsche CEO discusses plans with Apple

Porsche CEO discusses plans with Apple

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