
I don’t know if you have noticed that most of the owners of trams, especially smart electric vehicles, are young people, so why do they choose the most controversial new energy vehicle because they have a lot of money? Or is it because you are too young? Today, I will use my car buying experience to talk to you about why young people are more receptive to trams. At first, it was “forced to be helpless” in Beijing. Now many young people are facing such a situation. The older generation has a car, but the car at home will not be able to be driven by you at any time. If you want to have your own car, you have to vote. There is another kind of car like me who doesn’t have a car at home, which is even more difficult (skip this link if there are several cars in the family). I used to believe that I could get a fuel license plate for 8 years… So for young people who are eager to own a car of their own, switching to a new family energy lottery may be the fastest way to get a license. Recently, the new energy index scores of car-free households in 2022 have come out. It is said that this time the low score also has a chance. I look forward to your comment area after winning the lottery and we will announce the good news. “New” is not energy. Friends who are familiar with automobiles should know that electric vehicles were actually invented before fuel vehicles.
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