
On April 20, Apple announced that it had used recycled gold in its products for the first time, and more than doubled the amount of recycled tungsten, rare earth elements and cobalt. Last year, almost 20 percent of the materials in Apple’s products were recycled, the highest rate the company has ever used for recycled materials. Apple highlighted that in 2021, 59% of aluminum, 45% of rare earth elements, 30% of tin and 13% of cobalt in its products will come from recycled sources, while plastics will only account for 4% of total products. All new iPhone, iPad, AirPods and Mac models use 100% recycled tin in their motherboards, and recycled gold in the plating of their motherboards and the wires of the camera modules. Apple also unveiled its new recycling robot, Taz, a shredder-like machine that separates magnets from audio modules and recycles more rare earth elements. The company has also enhanced the capabilities of its iPhone teardown robot, Daisy, to disassemble 23 iPhone models. According to Apple’s official data, Apple’s recycling robot disassembles one ton of recyclable gold and copper in iPhone components, which is equivalent to 2,000 tons of ore refined materials. Also, Apple .
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