
In the past few years, TSMC has become the world’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturing company, which also makesIntelThe company feels the pressure, and the root cause is actuallyIntelthese years in14nmarrive10nmtime wasted on the replacement of14nmcraft used6Years to upgrade to the next generation.

For semiconductor manufacturing, it is a very critical step to launch a new generation of process upgrades as scheduled. Otherwise, the wrong generation will cause subsequent processes to be affected. In this regard, TSMC’s new process performs well, basically according to2-3It is upgraded every year, and the technology of the same generation has been continuously improved to meet the needs of customers.

The good news is,Intelbefore experiencing14nmarrive10nmAfter the labor pains, it will enter an explosive period next.In their previously announced roadmap,2025years ago4Continuous mass production in the middle of the year5generation process, includingIntel 7,Intel 4,Intel 3and20A,18ACraftsmanship, the next two generations will be onGAAtransistor technology.

Not only technology upgrades,IntelThis time the mass production time is also more stable.3monthCEO of InteKissinger saidIntelThe progress of advanced technology is beyond expectations, among which18AThe process is mass-produced half a year in advance,2024Energy production will begin in the second half of the year, and there are still2a foundry customer.

For Intel’s performance this time,Industry analyst and chip expert David Kanter also congratulated Intel, believing that Intel’s early mass production this time is still very reliable.

14nm toothpaste upgrade no longer has Intel 18A process praised by experts: reliable!

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