正直なところ、Nintendo Switchの「ニュース」セクションを忘れがちな場合もありますが、もっとレーダーに載せておく必要があるかもしれません。 たとえば、先週、NintendoofAmericaが2人のプロデューサーとミニインタビューを共有したようです。 トライアングルストラテジー、朝名知也、新井靖明。
興味深いナゲットがいくつかあります。 1つはその名前に関連しており、ストーリーと戦略的なゲームプレイに飛び込むと、ゲームが本当にどれほど魅力的で優れているかを覆い隠したり、過小評価したりすることがあります。 浅野さんは、名前が「奇妙」に見えるかもしれないことを認めていますが、タイトルの背後にある文字通りの理由を概説しました。
実際には、OctopathTravelerゲームで使用したのと同じ命名規則に基づいています。 Octoは、8を意味し、下に移動できる8つのパスを持つ8つのキャラクターを表します。 したがって、トライアングルストラテジーには、3つの角度があります [Utility, Morality, and Liberty’ in the game. I’m sure a lot of the American audience has commented on how it’s kind of a weird name, but one of the big things we think about when naming games is that when users see the name of the game, they can understand what kind of games they’re going to be playing.
When we’re focusing on what the three angles mean, they represent three countries and three other main characters (Frederica, Roland, and Benedict). Each of these characters has their own values and goals that influence the story.
Intriguingly, one answer suggests that early in development they may have been keen to keep the ‘Octo’ angle, as it originally had ‘eight convictions as key components to the game’, instead of three. That was clearly a lot, and distinguishing between them would have been difficult; they wisely scaled it back to three.
Meanwhile, Arai-san addressed the plot, acknowledging that its themes and setting of warfare and strife are only suitable for an older audience.
When we started the project, our concept was to create a story for adult audiences. We chose the tactics genre and conflict situation to achieve that purpose. We tried to make such a complex subject as easy to understand as possible. When we think about a conflict, there are at least two groups fighting. Why are they fighting? What do they want? That was our starting point when thinking about the story.
We were big fans of Triangle Strategy in our review, and if you haven’t yet checked it out you can still try out a Prologue demo that lets you play the first three chapters (and carry that progress into the full game).
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The post トライアングルストラテジーの開発者がその名前と「大人」の焦点を説明する appeared first on Gamingsym Japan.