
Similar to mobile phones, notebook screens are also a major upgrade point for products. In recent years, notebook screen upgrades have been significantly improved, and some new screen features are becoming new standards for our purchases. In addition to the basic display quality improvement, many notebooks have made new explorations on the screen. What parameters of the notebook screen should we pay attention to when purchasing? How can I roll up my laptop screen? Display quality is the basic disk The basic display quality of the screen is one of the core upgrade directions. In recent years, high-resolution, high refresh rate notebook screens have become more common, and these changes have significantly improved the display. Whether it is a thin or light notebook or a gaming notebook, there are many products equipped with 2K and 2.5K resolution screens. Under the same size, compared with the ordinary 1080P resolution, the high-resolution screen has a better degree of detail, which improves the expressiveness of the details of the picture. If you want better picture detail, you can choose a high-resolution screen. High refresh rates have also become a common feature of notebook screens. Many notebook screens will support high refresh rates such as 120Hz, 144Hz, and 165Hz, and playing high-frame games can experience a smoother game screen. Even in scenes such as browsing the web, you can still feel the .
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