
According to @Black Cat Complaint Officer WeChat, many consumers recently complained that the purchased Apple AirPods earphones had abnormal sounds such as electric current and popping noises after less than a year of use.Seriously affect the normal use, and the fault has not been solved after sending it for repair. The proposed free replacement was rejected.

Some consumers said that the static and popping sounds were not artificial faults after the official inspection, but the official still did not replace them.

Up to now, there have been 562 complaints about the quality of AirPods on the Black Cat platform.Including AirPods2, AirPods 3, and the high-end version of AirPods Pro.

Among them, the AirPods 3 version is obviously more. In fact, this headset was found to have similar problems as early as just after it was launched. Many users who have purchased it reported that there will be a current sound after the mobile phone is connected to the headset.

At that time, consumers had found an Apple authorized service provider for testing, but after-sales said that there was no supporting equipment that could detect the current sound problem, and it was temporarily impossible to return it, and it could not be solved/repaired.

Some users even reported on social platforms and e-commerce platforms that similar problems still occurred after returning and replacing the headphones three or four times.

At present, Apple officials have not responded to the matter, and similar problems of a large number of users have not been resolved.

Do you think earphone current sound is a quality issue?

Apple AirPods headphones have been complained a lot about abnormal sound: after-sales can not be solved, no replacement

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Jian Jiaarticle error correction

Hashtags: AirPodsAirPods 3AirPods ProApple

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