
On April 19, Tsinghua Unigroup and Tsinghua Unigroup announced at the same time that the company received the “Notice Letter” from Tsinghua Holdings on Tsinghua University’s free transfer of Tsinghua Holdings shares on April 18, 2022, which was forwarded by the indirect controlling shareholder Tsinghua Unigroup. In order to comprehensively strengthen the strategic cooperation between Tsinghua University and Sichuan Province, on April 18, 2022, Tsinghua University, Sichuan State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and Sichuan Energy Investment signed the “Supplementary Agreement on the “, agreeing that this transfer The transfer party was changed from Sichuan Energy Investment to Sichuan State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, that is, Tsinghua University transferred its 100% equity of Tsinghua Holdings to Sichuan State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for free.

Sichuan State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission agreed to invest 100% of Tsinghua Holdings’ equity in Sichuan Energy Investment through equity investment. After the investment is completed, Sichuan Energy will eventually hold 100% of Tsinghua Holdings’ equity. The adjustment of the free transfer method and implementation arrangement will not change the status of Sichuan Energy Investment as the ultimate undertaker of 100% equity of Tsinghua Holdings.

It further stated that this transfer still needs to be approved by the competent authority, and there is uncertainty as to whether the relevant approval items are approved, and whether it can be finally completed is still uncertain.

It is reported that on December 10, 2021, Tsinghua University signed the Agreement on Free Transfer of State-owned Property Rights with Sichuan Energy Investment, and plans to transfer 100% of the shares of Tsinghua Holdings to Sichuan Energy Investment through free transfer.

On January 17, 2022, the administrator of Tsinghua Unigroup received the “Civil Ruling” served by the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court. According to the “Civil Ruling”, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court ruled to approve the reorganization plan for the substantive merger and reorganization of seven enterprises including Ziguang Group, and terminated the reorganization procedures of seven enterprises including Ziguang Group. The consortium formed by Beijing Zhilu Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jianguang Asset Management Co., Ltd. as the leading parties is the strategic investor for the substantive merger and reorganization of seven companies including Tsinghua Unigroup. At present, seven companies including Ziguang Group are in the implementation period of the reorganization plan. The transfer will not affect the implementation of the reorganization plan for the substantive merger and reorganization of seven companies including Ziguang Group.

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