
Mixing with apples, you will be hungry nine times in three days.

In 5 months, the iPhone 14 is coming, is your installment over yet?

Although it has been badly sung every year and is crushed by domestic flagships everywhere, Apple’s iPhone has never pulled its crotch.

It can be said to be the brother of the brothers, Jay Chou in the technology industry, no, iPhone has new works every year, but Jay doesn’t…

Anyway, the new iPhone every year has a very high degree of attention, which can be said to be the top of the technology circle.

The iPhone 14 has added a

Seeing that 2022 is almost halfway through, the flagships of the Android camp have also been released, and the exposure of the new iPhone is gradually reaching a climax.

The iPhone 14 has added a

But at this juncture, a piece of news about the new iPhone made many people call “the house collapsed”! What exactly is going on?

1. The same high-end machine, different screen

The iPhone 14 has added a

This has to be traced back three days ago. An analyst tweeted that only one of the four new iPhones this year will be exclusively supplied by Samsung, while the other three will have 2-3 screen suppliers, and let everyone Vote and guess.

As the leader of the screen industry, it is unreasonable that Samsung is not used in the top products?

The iPhone 14 has added a

So the vast majority of people chose the iPhone 14 Pro Max like Bubble.

The iPhone 14 has added a

But I guessed only half right, the correct answer is iPhone 14 Pro? ? ?

The iPhone 14 has added a

As we all know, the screen suppliers of iPhone in high-end products have always been Samsung and LG. It is puzzling to use Samsung for iPhone 14 Pro and “lottery draw” on the more advanced iPhone 14 Pro Max.

The iPhone 14 has added a

The analyst then gave an explanation. In the final analysis, it was because LG “can’t do it”.

The iPhone 14 has added a

2. Samsung swept away LG, but the biggest winners were Chinese manufacturers

In last year’s iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max models, Apple adopted the LTPO screen and developed the Promotion technology on this basis.

The iPhone 14 has added a

Here is a simple science for those who don’t know. The LTPO screen can realize the dynamic adjustment of the screen refresh rate at the hardware level to follow the display content. For example, when playing games and swiping Weibo, the screen refresh rate is increased to 120Hz, which makes the look and feel smoother.

When you look at still pictures, e-books, the refresh rate will be reduced to 10Hz.

The iPhone 14 has added a

And Apple’s Promotion algorithm can identify your finger operation range, so that the refresh rate changes with your finger sliding speed. Not only does it look smoother, but it also saves power.

Although today’s Android flagships also implement such a function, it does not prevent Apple from doing things in the mobile phone circle through these two technologies.

The iPhone 14 has added a
From Xiaobai Evaluation Database

The iPhone 13 Pro Max has been able to dominate the battery life of mobile phones for a long time, and the battery life of the iPhone 13 Pro is also good. The screen is the main contributor to the long-standing shame of Apple’s lack of power.

The iPhone 14 has added a

The problem this time lies in the panels that support LTPO technology. Looking at various Android flagships in the past six months, it is not difficult to find that most of the LTPO screens of mainstream manufacturers are from Samsung.

The iPhone 14 has added a

In contrast, LG’s LTPO production capacity is almost negligible, and among Apple’s two high-end models last year, the iPhone 13 Pro sold better, and this year’s iPhone 14 Pro is obviously more reliable for Samsung’s exclusive supply.

But after all, mosquito legs are also meat, and LG’s limited panels are used together with Samsung in the iPhone 14 Pro Max as a supplement.

The iPhone 14 has added a

However, even if it is as strong as Apple, it is impossible to achieve 100% of the same screen display quality between the two factories. Mixing screen blind boxes will definitely affect the experience of some users.

The iPhone 14 has added a

The green screen door of the iPhone 12 series and the pink screen door of the 13 series should be a pain in the hearts of many old irons.

So, if you want better display quality, maybe the iPhone 14 Pro is more reliable, but if you still like a big screen…

The iPhone 14 has added a

Watch your fate.

The iPhone 14 has added a

By the way, this year’s iPhone 14 series will be adjusted in terms of product layout. In addition to the 6.1-inch iPhone 14, the mini version will be cancelled and replaced by the 6.7-inch iPhone 14 Max.

The iPhone 14 has added a

Among them, the screen supplier of the 6.1-inch iPhone 14 will join our domestic light BOE!

The iPhone 14 has added a

In fact, BOE has already started supplying iPhones last year, but only for old models and after-sales screen replacements. This year, it finally turned positive. This model has always been an annual explosion, and this wave of BOE is going to win!

And according to Korean media reports, BOE is working on LTPO technology and is striving to become a supplier of the iPhone 15 Pro.

I see who said that domestic screens are not good?

The iPhone 14 has added a

3. The basic model does not match the flagship core? You are the “pit”

Although mixing screens makes everyone feel uncomfortable, Bubble believes that mobile phone manufacturers are not doing anything wrong.

The iPhone 14 has added a

After all, the global mobile phone market has huge shipments every year. The iPhone alone can reach hundreds of millions. No matter how strong Samsung is, there is a risk of being squeezed out. Not to mention the impact of the epidemic now, if there is a disagreement, production and production will be suspended.

Therefore, for enterprises, there are huge hidden dangers in a single supply chain in any case.

The iPhone 14 has added a

So as long as the software is adjusted in place, the color is highly consistent, and the pixel arrangement is not confused, even if it is mixed, it is not impossible to use…

The iPhone 14 has added a

But another routine of the iPhone 14 series is a bit intriguing.

The iPhone 14 has added a

Earlier, according to the revelations of the well-known Apple “prophet” Ming-Chi Kuo, this year Apple’s iPhone 14 series will also use different chips.

The iPhone 14 has added a

Among them, the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max will be equipped with the latest A16 chip. The iPhone 14 and 14 Max will continue to use the A15 from the old 13 series.

The iPhone 14 has added a

And A16 still uses 4nm process, sure enough, 13 incense is the truth!

The iPhone 14 has added a

This is also understandable. Under the influence of the global epidemic, the lack of cores has become the norm in various industries. TSMC’s high-end process production capacity is tight, not only to serve Apple, but also to support a large number of Android manufacturers.

Coupled with the high sales of the non-Pro version, it is somewhat difficult for the A16 to meet the supply of four models. Only by using good steel on the blades of the two high-end models can it not break the brand.

The iPhone 14 has added a

And the A15 is still in stock, isn’t it beautiful to take advantage of the new machine to digest and digest?

Another part is the result of marketing and financial orientation.

The iPhone 14 has added a

This year’s foundries are still raising prices, and the cost of the A16 has increased by 8-10% compared with the previous one. If the entire iPhone 14 series uses the A16, once the cost is shared, the prices of the two basic models will have to increase.

The price increase will affect sales, and it is Apple who suffers. Using old chips on basic models can reduce a lot of costs, and can also subsidize high-end models, and users will pay less.

The iPhone 14 has added a

Maybe the prices of the iPhone 14 and 14 Max will be further reduced, and Bangbang will hit the Android camp with two punches.

In the end, everyone was very happy, what kind of mobile phone is this selling? It’s clearly a human touch!

The iPhone 14 has added a

In fact, Apple has already used a similar routine last year, and the A15 chips of the iPhone 13 and 13mini have castrated some performance.

The iPhone 14 has added a

However, the A15 used by the iPhone 14 and 14 Max should be the full-blooded version of last year, at least it has achieved performance improvements, and it is still very good this year.

In addition to the chip, the memory specification used by the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max is LPDDR5X, while the iPhone 14 and 14 Max use LPDDR 4X.

This time, the difference is even bigger, and Apple has another trick. It can stimulate users to buy stronger iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max.

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Everyone likes something better, but if you have a little bit of strength, you have to be a good match. The human nature is really grasped by Apple.


4. The more routines, the more troublesome the choice

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In other respects, according to the current revelations, the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max will be upgraded to “exclamation mark” punch-hole screens, while the iPhone 14 and 14 Max will continue to use notch screens. And there are still differences in configuration specifications such as cameras.

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Of course, all the known news that Apple will never admit, everything will have to wait until the day when the new iPhone is released in the second half of the year.

Exactly how they will perform, no one can say now.

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But the days when Apple, who had no routines in those years, and all new iPhones were treated the same, are indeed gone.

Moreover, Apple rarely publicly mentions the differences between products, and the process of purchasing for ordinary users has also become complicated. But if you have some difficulty in choosing, you have to struggle for a long time.

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On second thought, those domestic manufacturers who clearly listed the parameters on the PPT of the conference, and even marked the supplier on the product packaging, are actually quite sincere.

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Hashtags: Routine iPhone 14iPhone 14 Pro

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The post The iPhone 14 has added a “pit man” routine, and this big Chinese manufacturer has won. appeared first on Gamingsym.