
from Susan Brown
The developers of Pokémon Go are now sponsoring the largest Pokémon Go community: TheSilphRoad! This ensures, among other things, that the sponsored community is not dependent on advertising revenue, among other things. So, will TheSilphRoad community now reveal the biggest Pokémon Go mysteries?

Surprising news is making the rounds that no Pokémon Go fan expected: Niantic is sponsoring now officially TheSilphRoad and Silph.gg! In other words, the makers of Pokémon Go are now supporting the largest Pokémon Go community, which is mainly dedicated to theorycrafting, to unravel the biggest Pokémon Go mysteries and debunk the craziest theories.

What is Niantic doing as a sponsor of TheSilphRoad?

Like the folks at Niantic on the official blog of NianticLabs emphasize, sponsorship is about ensuring that the supported project can remain free of advertising. More specifically, the goals of Niantic and TheSilphRoad look like this:

  • “We make sure Silph Road stays ad-free: Although The Silph Road is sponsored by Niantic, you don’t have to worry about third-party advertising on their sites, including Silph.gg and TheSilphRoad.com.
  • Developing New Ways to Connect Players to Niantic and Each Other: We are creating new ways for players to meet, play and talk to reconnect local communities and create opportunities for Niantic to support them.
  • A New Community Ambassador Program: We will be working with Silph Road to launch a brand new program that will offer perks and rewards to active communities and their leaders who host in-person events. Stay tuned for more updates on this program and how you can participate!”

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