
Today, some data miners found the logo of MIUI 13.5 in the official code of Xiaomi, which is similar to the design idea of ​​MIUI 12.5.The new Logo is a redesign based on MIUI 13.

Comparing the two Logos, it is not difficult to see that the main change of the MIUI 13.5 Logo is on the number “3”.The new Logo removes the slashes and overlapping parts in “3”, making the Logo look more concise and more like the number “5”.

MIUI 13.5 Logo Exposure: MIUI 11

In addition, the new Logo also fine-tuned the number “1” in the original MIUI 13 Logo, and the new design is more slender, which may be to visually match the new number “3”.

In terms of color, old users may find that the Logo uses the same gradient color scheme of MIUI 11.This may mean that some of the features of MIUI 11 will return on MIUI 13.5.

MIUI 13.5 Logo Exposure: MIUI 11

Judging from the performance of MIUI 12.5, the upcoming MIUI 13.5 should be a version update between MIUI 13 and MIUI 14,It will be optimized on the basis of MIUI 13 and will bring many new features.

At present, there is no news to determine the specific update time of MIUI 13.5, but since the information including the Logo has been discovered, the new version should not be far away.

MIUI 13.5 Logo Exposure: MIUI 11

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Nai Hearticle error correction

Hashtags: MIUI 13.5MIUIXiaomi

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