
When it comes to which city in China is the most famous, there must be a topic about Chengdu, whether it is beautiful scenery or food, etc., this Internet celebrity city can be ranked first. Today, #Chengdu ushered in the first wave of fireflies flying peak# rushed to the hot search, arousing huge attention. According to reports, on April 18, Chengdu Qionglai Tiantai Mountain ushered in the peak period of the first wave of fireflies flying in 2022, which will last until around May 8. It is reported that due to the high requirements of fireflies on the living environment, the number of fireflies in many places has decreased sharply. At present, Tiantai Mountain has become the ecological home of fireflies and the largest firefly viewing base in Asia, with a fantastic firefly show every night. According to the relevant person in charge of the scenic spot, the Tiantai Mountain fireflies have four characteristics: First, there are many kinds of fireflies, more than 20 species have been found, and they appear alternately at different time periods. The population is large, and during the high incidence period of fireflies, thousands of fireflies flutter on the roadside and in the grass, and the fireflies are flickering and spectacular, just like the “Avenue of Stars”; From the foot of the mountain at about 800 meters to about 1400 meters above sea level.
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