
During the day Fortnite Battle Royale recibi su parche 20.40 and Epic Games decided adelantar el primer teaser about the final of the actual Temporada 2: Resistance del Captulo 3. In the social speeches of the video game we will see a video that has been much cola between the community of players, by her in this notice reunimos todo lo que se sabe up to the moment of the prxima Temporada 3su fecha de inicio y mucho ms.

Final event of Temporada 2 of Fortnite: Fecha y qu se sabe

A da de hoy everything is described exactly cundo se suceder el final event of the Temporada 2 of Fortnite in his Captulo 3 y, of hecho, does not have an official confirmation since you have an event to close the timeline, although keeping in mind that the previous one did not have a final event, it is quite probable that it is connected (adems that the dataminers ensure that it has one).

  • De sucederse, por lo tanto, podramos estimate that the event will take place on June 3rd ya que esta es la fecha en la que supuestamente conclui de actual pase de batalla que est en marcha en el juego.

The dataminers he discovered in the game of the game text boxes which has reference to this event both the ttulo de “Armadillo” and includes information on a lobby and a msica which is activated specifically to support the event.

As we announced at the beginning of the notice, during the day of March 17, Epic shared on Twitter account the Fortnite el next teaser:

This mysterious video appears to have been leaked to the first participant of the possible event of the Temporada 2, or at least he has wanted to take the community of players. Tras the grabs that are in this short video clip appears the Meca icona character that some players recordarn by having appeared earlier in the game, during the Final event of Temporada 9 del Captulo 1.

By other lado, with the parking lot agreg al juego una new ubicacin in the very interesting map. El Colisionador is an Orden Species Torre Imagined and created that the final event of Temporada 2 could take place lugar alrededor de esta zona.

How do you get to Fortnite’s Temporada 3?

Habiendo repasado ya todo lo anterior, queda una pregunta en el aire, cundo dar inicio la prxima Temporada 3 del Captulo 3? The legislature will think that it will immediately embark on the final event of the Temporada 2, as many believe that this will be the first June 4th. No obstante, hay dataminers como ShiinaBR that opinion that the game passes by a period of inactivity to prepare for the initiation of that time.

Sea como sea, habr que esperar un poco ms and that Epic Games provides official information. We record that all of them posted on this note are tomarlo with tweezersas always.

Recorded as pods visit our complete gua to know them best tips and tricks and superimpose all the difficult challenges of the time. Fortnite is a Battle Royale that is free to join PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch and devices Androidpuedes leer nuestro anlisis.

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