
Just imagine – to cope with the “favorite” work not in 8 hours, but, say, in 6. Isn’t it great? More rest, more entertainment … So, you see, it will be nice to earn your daily bread! What do I need to do?

Most people will immediately say, “Wait! If I work less, then I will be less successful! The boss will be dissatisfied, and there you can finish playing until the dismissal … “.

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Blessed memory of an 8-hour working day

Work without a break for 8-12 hours and do everything-everything-everything? Perhaps you really can handle all your responsibilities. But with such a mode of work in the long run, you lose – you lose strength, health and the desire to work! What do we care about labor productivity, if you only dream of a weekend to sleep off corny?!

productivity at work

The 40-hour work week was introduced during the industrial age. Robert Owen described the new (at the time) order as follows:

“Eight hours of work, eight hours of rest, eight hours of sleep.”

A little later, Henry Ford introduced this practice in his factories. Since the experiment was successful, it became the industry standard. But what was relevant 100 years ago is outdated today.

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Better less is better (c)

This statement of the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin is confirmed by the latest research. As it turns out, when a person works less and stays focused, they perform better and stay productive longer.

The path to working less and better starts with the realization of a simple fact: there is no need to play the fool at work and “depict a hectic activity” (FDI)!

The concept of IBD, among other things, includes “log in for 5 minutes on VKontakte, pretending to be working.” But we know that other citizens make such a “sally” every 10 minutes! But this “sin” also includes everything that we seem to be doing “at work”, but something that does not for a moment bring us closer to solving our problems. Remember the “very important” meeting where you, excuse me, just sat out your pants? How does it help you in your work? You might as well sit and catch Pokemon!

productivity at work

In order to identify all “fake” activities and stop them, we need clear goals. Most often they sound something like “increase profits”. But how to achieve this goal? How long does it take to do this? You see – “it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines.”

If you want to learn how to set goals for yourself correctly, then you need

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SMART goals

SMART is an abbreviation and stands for:

S – Specific (specificity). At this stage, you explain to yourself exactly what you want to achieve. For example, “increase the bottom line of my business.”
M – Measurable (measurability). By what indicators will you understand that you have achieved your goal? In our case, you can try to increase net profit by 10%.
BUT – Archievable (reachability). Set only realistic goals. It is unlikely that you will be able to increase the profits of your business by 5,000% in a year, right? But a 10% increase in profits is quite real.
R – Relevant (relevance). Will doing the task in this way really help you achieve your goals? Today, it is not difficult to increase profits – it is enough to automate business processes and then dismiss some of the staff. But you can do smarter – find other places for employees where they will make a profit.
T – Time-bound (time limit). The time in which the task must be completed. For example, “increase net income by 10% per year.”

The very word “smart” in translation into Russian means “smart”. In other words, the SMART technique is about setting goals wisely.

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Useful Tips for Increasing Productivity

“The First 90 Minute Rule” – spend the first hour and a half at work on the most important things.

Do not be distructed. In the morning you are fresher and more focused – even if you don’t notice it yourself. So, if you find the strength to refuse a coffee break at 9-30, then in an hour you will do an important thing.

50-10. The connoisseur of human souls, Dale Carnegie, recommended working as is customary in the US army – American soldiers work for fifty minutes, and then rest for ten minutes. Try it – you will like it :). The break should be spent away from the computer. Get up, stretch, drink coffee, look outside.

Track the progress you’ve made in a day.

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Plan a week ahead

There is a PPP (Plan, Progress, Problems) technique. At the end of each week, you set aside 10 minutes and set 5-6 important goals for the next week. You do them in the first 90 minutes of your work day. When the goals are reached, they go to the Progress folder.

The main idea is to constantly know what you will be doing the next day. Even “Monday is a hard day” becomes easier when you start things with a clear understanding of what and how you will do, and do not spend the first three hours figuring out what’s what.

productivity at work

You can use the Weekdone program to track your progress. It will also help you set up SMART goals to make it easier for you to get rid of fake work.

Follow the tips from this article – and your working day will end earlier!

See also:


The post How to work less but be more productive appeared first on Gamingsym.