
France’s digital sovereignty also involves a tricolor file transfer system capable of competing with WeTransfer! The Ministry of Culture has developed France Transfert, a tool open to all but under very specific conditions.

France Transfert is the new large file sending service developed by the State, to cut the cord with foreign platforms such as WeTransfer, Swiss Transfer, pCloud and others. Designed and operated by the Ministry of Culture, France Transfert is available to all State agents through the interministerial digital department (DINUM).

Between users and State agents

It should be noted that if the service is open to all users, the prerequisite is that the recipient or sender must be a government official. France Transfert can be useful for a citizen to send a civil servant supporting documents which do not pass by e-mail, to transmit voluminous documents between a company and an administration, and it also works in the other direction: an agent of the state will be able to send files securely.

In terms of security, the service analyzes each file transferred with an antivirus, and stores it in a cloud hosted in France (qualified SecNumCloud by ANSSI). France Transfert is approved as a “general safety reference”, RGS.

France Transfert allows the sending and reception of files or folders up to 20 GB (2 GB maximum per file) up to 100 recipients in a single operation, or by using a list of contacts. Documents are downloadable for 30 days by default, but the user can decide how long the file should be kept between 1 day and 3 months. Sharing consists of a simple link to be sent by e-mail, with the possibility of requesting a password. The service is available online at this address.

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