
Will history repeat itself?

A few weeks ago we found out the sad news that the sequel to Breath of the Wild has been delayed until 2023. Since the game was announced, not much has been shown from the game and there has been speculation as to whether the developers encountered patrols during development. There are now theories that they have a hard time getting the game to work well on the Switch and that it may be that the game is simply too big for Nintendo’s current console.

At Digital Foundry, Richard Leadbetter, John Linneman and Alex Battaglia have dissected the latest trailer, pointing out that the game may be too big and advanced for the Nintendo Switch.

Linneman says this:

“This trailer was interesting because the image quality seemed quite good, I think,”

“I was a little bit surprised by how sharp and clear this looked compared to the original in general.”

Battagila also points out that the clouds in the trailer are something that Switch would have a hard time rendering.

“It could be the next Switch, it could be just that they rendered out a trailer on higher resolution and higher settings,”

They also point out that Nintendo does not usually release trailers that have higher quality than the upcoming product, with the exception of draw distance in Breath of the Wild.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time Zeldaspel has been moved forward and ended up on the next console. Breath of the Wild was developed for the Wii U but was so delayed that it was released simultaneously for the Switch. The same was true Twilight Princess which went through the same process and was released for both Gamecube and Wii.

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