
On April 18th, Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed in an interview recently that he has no real estate and often travels to different friends’ homes when he is on business trips. Previously, TED conference organizer Chris Anderson (Chris Anderson) recorded a video interview with Musk during an invitation to visit Tesla’s Texas Gigafactory.“I don’t even have a house of my own right now, I actually live in a friend’s house,” Musk said in the interview.

Musk added:“If I go to the San Francisco Bay Area, where most of Tesla’s engineering staff are located, I’m basically staying at friends’ houses.”

Data shows that Musk’s personal net worth is $251 billion, currently ranking first in the world. In his conversation with Musk, Anderson mentioned that many people are disgusted with the term billionaire given the huge wealth disparity that exists around the world. The likes of U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren have also criticized the relatively low tax burden on the super-rich like Musk.

Musk responded: “Of course, if I spend billions of dollars a year on personal consumption, there must be something wrong, but it’s not.”

Musk said that although everyone knew that he had a private jet under his name, he had no yacht and no real vacation.. “My personal consumption needs don’t seem to be high. I mean, the only exception is planes, but if I don’t fly privately, my hours are reduced.” Of course,Musk also admits that his net wealth does appear “crazy”.

This seems to be the first time that Musk, the world’s richest man, has made it clear that he has no real estate in his name.

Over the years, many people have been talking about Musk’s frugal life. In May 2020, Musk tweeted that he planned to sell all his property and would have “no house” under his name. It was reported in August 2021 that Musk was living in a $50,000 prefab rented from SpaceX.

In a recent interview, Musk’s girlfriend, Grimes, said he sometimes lives “below the poverty line.” Grimes said Musk was reluctant to buy a new one with a hole on the side of the mattress he slept on.

In 2015, Google co-founder and then-CEO Larry Page said that sometimes Musk would email him when he went to Silicon Valley asking if he could sleep over: “I don’t know where to stay tonight. Can I go to your place?”

In the interview on Friday, Musk also talked about his acquisition of personal social media Twitter.

Musk said he has a backup plan if Twitter rejects the $43 billion bid, but declined to give any details.

During the live event, Musk said he might not be able to acquire the company, but could afford it “in theory.”

“I have enough assets,” Musk said, without giving further details. Public reports suggest that most of Musk’s personal wealth is tied to his stake in Tesla.

On Friday, Twitter said it would take a “poison pill” to prevent a takeover by Musk. Foreign media reported that this “essentially reduces the value of each share of the company by increasing the total number of shares, making it more difficult for any individual or institution to obtain all of a company’s shares.”

In a pre-recorded video interview, Anderson also asked Musk if outside comments about himself and other billionaires being too rich were frustrating them.

“I mean, no impact at all,” Musk said.

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