
After a tire blowout, the vehicle should pull over to change tires or wait for a tow truck. If the vehicle is forced to continue driving, the serious consequence may be that the vehicle will be lost.

A few days ago, a video uploaded by netizens showed that the accident was suspected to be Macau, China. A Mercedes-Benz Big G continued to drive on the road after a flat tire. The tire body had been completely ruptured, and the wheel of the vehicle was in direct contact with the ground.

Later, when the screen changed,The right rear of the Mercedes-Benz Big G caught fire, almost covering the entire rear half of the car. During the period, when the vehicle passed by, it was suspected that an “explosion” occurred, and the scene was very scary.


At present, no detailed accident report has been issued, but it is certain that this Mercedes-Benz Big G should be scrapped.

As for the cause of the fire, some netizens speculated that the sparks from the friction between the alloy wheels and the ground ignited the fragments of the vehicle tires, and then the fire increased.It ignited the plastic parts of the body and the oil circuit, which eventually caused the entire Mercedes-Benz Big G to be burned.

The accident also reminds all car owners that they should not drive forcibly after a flat tire. In addition to damaging the mechanical structure of the vehicle, there is also a risk of spontaneous combustion.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: Mercedes-Benz spontaneous combustion tire

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